On Saturday, March 28 at 8:30 pm your local time,
individuals all over the world will be taking part in Earth Hour,
switching off their lights in symbolic support of our planet.
But Earth Hour
is not just about taking care of our planet - it's about looking after
each other and the home we all share, for future generations as well as
our own. Nature is our planet's fundamental life support system,
providing the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink -
nature is a crucial pillar of our own physical, mental, and emotional
well-being, happiness, and health.
recent weeks, we have been faced with extremely challenging and somber
across the globe due to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19),
and our hearts go out to all those affected by the pandemic. Now more
than ever, we must stand for one another and take care of our own heath
as well as the health of others.
Earth Hour, whilst we may no longer be able to get together on-ground
and in-person, we must change our approach, rather than our objective.
We can still act in solidarity with millions of others across the globe
by going digital - taking part online or at home - to show support for each other and the one home we all share.
way you choose to participate in Earth Hour this year, know that your
united actions and voices still have the power to transcend towns,
cities, countries, and all physical borders - helping create a safer,
fairer and healthier future for everyone.
On behalf of the Earth Hour Global team, we thank you once again for your support. Stay safe and see you online